About Me

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Sauff Lundin Overspill, Kent, United Kingdom
I've been told it's like I keep my thoughts in a champagne bottle, then shake it up and POP THAT CORK! I agree...life is for living and havin fun - far too short to bottle up stuff. So POP!...You may think it... I will say it! (And that cork's been popped a few times... check out the blog archive as the base of the page for many more rants and observations!)

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Tuesday 17 August 2010

BLOG 119: Happiness is Easy

Most people are about as HAPPY as they make up their minds to be” Abraham Lincoln 16th President of the United States of America

OKAY... we have to face it cause it's a self evident truth....it is a lovely life. We like to moan and highlight the negative because well... that's news. It's always news if it goes against the norm. The fact is the norm is the good stuff, the getting through the day safely and small but nice thigs happening on a minute to minute basis.

It has always struck me that people are inherently good given the opportunity, and that the times and the world we live in are actually pretty cool. Luck and geography dictate how lovely your life will be my Dad always said. I'd go further... I'd add timing. Don't know about you but I'd rather be alive now here in northern Europe than say 60 years ago!

No bombs falling and nothing getting in my way of being who I want to be or stopping me from being just me. Food in my belly, a rather nice roof over my head, great mates, wine in the fridge... and the most bizarre family on earth who I love to bits (esp the one I made).

Yep... overall... a pretty good deal. I live in my fave country on earth, on the doorstep of the best city on earth. Yep I have my problems same as many and more that most...but overall...It's a lovely life.

There are so many more reasons to be happy than sad. So I'll be interested to know if any of you can beat my of the top of my head 111 things that make me happy....

  1. My son, even though he drive me nuts!

  2. My family, though I sometimes take them for granted

  3. Anna in Italy (for a lifetime of being understood completely)

  4. Just spending time with my mates

  5. Being on my own when I want to be

  6. Laughing till it hurts

  7. Talking absolute bollix

  8. The invention of bin-bags, toilet paper and toothpaste

  9. Thinking

  10. Coming up with a concept when I was blank a second before

  11. Cats

  12. Finding a much loved film is half way through and settling down to watch it anyway

  13. Being helpful to someone else by just doing what you do

  14. Learning a new skill

  15. Watching the sky at night while stilling with a glass of wine

  16. Facebook

  17. Taking photos

  18. Cooking a damn good meal

  19. My mother laughing

  20. My Dad's dancing

  21. Getting feedback – even negative stuff

  22. Having the perfect put down

  23. Musicals and any kind of dance performance

  24. Teenagers

  25. Movies aimed at Teenagers

  26. Novels that capture the here and now

  27. Being ridiculous

  28. Rock music

  29. People who are genuinely shocked by anything I do

  30. Deep meaningful discussions in bed when you are loving the convo so much you fight sleep

  31. Knowing I can't mess up the one relationship that counts

  32. Spanxs

  33. Formal attire

  34. Understanding peoples motives

  35. Being witty, ironic and sarcastic

  36. Making change happen

  37. Having epiphanies

  38. Seeing balloons tied to front doors to mark a celebration

  39. Coffee

  40. Cushions

  41. Bring a writer

  42. Anything that gives me that “I've only bloody gone and done it”feeling

  43. Rainbows

  44. Being caught in the rain without an an umbrella and not caring about what happens to my hair!

  45. LONDON


  47. Hot...and I mean HOT showers

  48. V shaped swimmers torsos

  49. Men

  50. Shoes

  51. Being pleasantly surprised

  52. Being impulsive

  53. Ranch dressing

  54. Being stunningly average at ice skating and horse riding but doing it anyway

  55. Being a brilliant dancer no matter what anyone else thinks!

  56. Bouncing on beds

  57. Infatuations

  58. Tactile things.. and people

  59. John Cuszak

  60. Omelettes

  61. Having an inbuilt GPS... I never get lost!

  62. Books

  63. Diving in beanbags

  64. Making strangers into friends

  65. Starting a chain reaction

  66. Walking in the city after midnight

  67. The Suburbs between 3.30am – 5.45am

  68. Debating

  69. Acting like a kid

  70. My bedroom

  71. The colours Green and Purple

  72. Ireland

  73. My redneck family in Oklahoma

  74. Wind ups

  75. Sunshine in England and the way everyone morphs because of it!

  76. Snow in England and the way everything simply falls apart!

  77. Public Transportation (over all it DOES work!)

  78. NHS (over all it DOES work!)

  79. That certainty of being safe that living in Britain gives you

  80. Being able to slag off living in Britain without being unpatriotic

  81. The Grumpy's (old men, old women, young men... TV magic)

  82. Mascara

  83. Being good looking

  84. Friends who always bring wine when they come over

  85. My two gay best mates who are so unbelievably crap they make me smile just thinking of them

  86. Good times

  87. Tony Hawk

  88. Having few inhibitions

  89. Being better than all my enemies

  90. Taking note and seeing the unspoken story

  91. Sparkles

  92. Comfortable silences or long phone conversations that last and last

  93. The middle of my bed

  94. Inside jokes

  95. The vanilla ice-cream they do at DisneyLand Paris

  96. Airports and the anticipation of travel

  97. Riding on an intercity train in the direction that lets you “see where you have been”

  98. Remembering San Francisco with Janey

  99. Proving what sounded like bullshit was REAL

  100. Being too stupid to lie

  101. Sex, Love and other things that don't last long but you can lose yourself in the joy while they are on

  102. Pepperami's

  103. Novelty calendars (esp the David and Goliath ones!)

  104. 28th West Kent Boys Brigade for giving me back my Friday nights

  105. The worst place I ever worked for giving me the best friends I ever had

  106. Batteries

  107. Hair extensions, wigs, hats and scarves (see point 44)

  108. Cups of tea

  109. Conversations that only happen with cigarettes

  110. Old skool dance music

  111. People watching.

And that is just of the top of my head... I haven't even mentioned natures gifts or anything on a more spiritual level, just 111 things of the top of my head that make me happy.

As the song says....Happiness is Easy.

Give it a go... 111 of the top of your head... starting.............NOW!!!

If you enjoyed this blog and you want to contact Jax or find ot more about the JaxWorld blog, please log onto :http://thejaxworldblog.vpweb.co.uk/

Thanks for continuing to vote for JaxWorld as the Best Blog about Stuff and for ALL your support that has made this blog such a huge success.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, happiness - isn't that the thing that all of us strive to find, to achieve and then to maintain for the rest of our lives? Being happy isn't quite as simple as having money or being an A-listed celebrity, despite what the media may tell you. Once you dig past the surface and get away from the superficiality, the true meaning of happiness - comfort, content and joy - becomes clear. But still, the one question that gnaws at us all endlessly: How do we achieve it? Perhaps the answer isn't as complicated as we think.

    Nobody is happy all of the time, but some people are definitely more fulfilled than others and it doesn't seem to have much to do with material goods or high achievement. Being happy is supposedly simple, supposedly easy, this and that as you watch an endless list of reality shows and "ultimate guides". However, looking around more carefully, you may realize that people living any kind of lifestyle may be more content with it than you - your neighbour, that kid from school, the dog walker down the road. So what do they have that you don't? Don't just find out - get it for yourself.
    FROM: newuser33492305
