And so here we are in Christmas week. The Real Christmas is beginning to make it self heard. There were even some carollers under the clock tower this afternoon. Wonderful harmonies floated through the air as they gave us ‘Angels from the realms of glory’ but they had to pack it in when the snow came down heavy. It’s a lot calmer out there now – a winter wonderland outside my window, deep and crisp and even. The locale is flashing gamely with a variety of lights and neon.
WOW! It really will be Christmas in a matter of days.
I looked up the words for Angels from the realms of glory when I got home as I had found myself humming it all afternoon. It really is quite a piece of poetry… unsurprisingly as it was written by an Irishman and they do have a way with words. The song totally captures the spirit of Christmas.
I was then rather disheartened to find that some of my friends feel the spirit of Christmas is better reflected in what song is or isn’t number one in the charts. Others feel Christmas is better reflected in how much money they can spend on booze, presents and going out clothes. And all of them have uttered ‘where is the Christmas spirit?” over the pass few days.
I find this extraordinary! Whilst the spirit of Christmas does like to hang out in unlikely places it is by the same turn the easiest spirit to find. All you have to be is open to being able to see miracles.
Christmas for me is about how hope for all of us came from the most unlikely of sources. It’s about the odds being stacked against you and yet succeeding. These miracles is what the first and every Christmas is full of.
This Christmas more than any other I am grateful for my own miracle. JaxWorld came out of the most unlikely source. It should have failed… I mean who was going to read all my waffle? But you lot do… twice a week every week. And because of this JaxWorld has gone on to succeed. Now THAT is as bone-fide a miracle as you can get.
Okay it’s not quite up there with a 15 year old Jewish girl who claimed to be a virgin though she was clearly pregnant, whose fiancé (who had never had the intimate pleasure) standing by her, but forgetting to book a room on the busiest night in town, so she ends up giving birth in a barn, which gets visited that night by three kings, some shepherds and a whole host of angels…. BUT it’s my miracle and I’m grateful to you all for it.
I wish you all a Wonderful Christmas. I trust none of you will be without the modern day three kings - love, security and prosperity. I hope all of you enjoy good health. And from the very bottom of my heart I thank you all for your support in 2009.
As Mr Einstein put it so well – we have the choice… we can live life like NOTHING is a miracle or we can live as if everything is. GO out there into this beautiful Christmas week and find your miracle – it’s there. Just like the spirit of Christmas, you just have to look in the right places. I really don’t think anyone really believes the spirit of Christmas can be found in a present, the perfect outfit, or booze. And it certainly cannot be found in the UK top 40 charts!
If it is the Christmas spirit you are looking for you just have to start looking in the right places. (clue: try carols.org.uk and look at the lyrics to your fave Xmas carols). Peace and Goodwill to all men, and a snowball in the gob to anyone who says otherwise!!!
Happy Christmas one and all!
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So true.If you want to live good and happy life,then belive that everyday is a miracle that God has give you.Every new day is a gift of God.Very nice post!Keep up posting.Thanks.
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