“Stars light up the blackest of skies and can been seen from earth…unfortunately this job mainly brings you into play with those who have had their 15 minutes on reality TV or a small non speaking role in The Bill” Doorman at Bar Two Hotspot
Who needs literature for opening quotes? There is poetry to be found everywhere… even with a seven foot, heavily tattooed bouncer called Kevin at the Bar Two Hotspot. Well maybe not poetry exactly, but certainly a clear informed insight to “the way things is”. After all what more does one want from a quote than that.
I overheard Kevin utter the opening quote, following a bunch of ‘celebrities’ trying to get into the nightclub where he works. Apparently it is the sworn duty of anyone who has ever had the slightest brush with fame to not pay for their own diversions. Unfortunately it is the sworn duty of employees such as Kevin to ensure that the door price is paid. I found it interesting that when the party leader pointed out that he was a STAR (and thus his party should be exempt from entry fees)..Kevin responded thus:
“You’re stars? Yes, you are right I did not recognise you but that is because I’m just a doorman who was lead to believe that stars light up the blackest of skies and can been seen from earth; unfortunately this job mainly brings you into play with those who have had their 15 minutes on reality TV or a small non speaking role in The Bill, so no I don’t recognise any stars… so that’s twenty quid mate”
Fabulous ain’t it… the poetry and wisdom that can be found in everyday situations.
It seems you don’t have to have a literary bone in your body to be quotable. What a pity so many of those pearls go un documented.
Like the dinner party guest who reported back to me about the hosts efforts to match make:
“Everyone seemed to appreciate the unstinting devotion of the hosts motives much than they appreciated each other”.
How great was that! Tells you all you want to know about how that dinner party went!
Parents are a great source of short and sweet capsules of wisdom. I remember having great difficulty with standing up for myself and always wanting to please. Cue the parental pep talk:
Parent 1: Standing up for yourself does WONDERS for your self esteem
Parent 2: Which is a good thing because others will not be too keen on you
Brilliant advice!... and you know what, totally accurate!
I do hope my friend Carly doesn’t mind me mentioning the fact that her astute observations are usually offered up after the rest of us have talked a subject into the ground and are about to retire without conclusion. I absolutely love her take on happiness:
“It’s not actually the getting what you want that makes you happy it’s the wanting what you actually get” .
Of course such wisdom never seems to descend on Carly till some time substantially after bottle number three (if you know what I mean)… but at the end of the day, no one said that to attain enlightenment on must be substance free.
Angry teenage children also seem to just be perfect sources of quotable wisdom:
“You know what, humans have been aggravating each other since the beginning of time but NOTHING…I repeat NOTHING...beats unsolicited advice!!!”
Of course, if you want this line to be most effective one must stand at the top of the stairs, deliver the line whilst screaming like a banshee then slam a door.
I like the friend of my parents who said on his 75th birthday that he didn’t think that having lived for two thirds of a century was the end of the world. We were all expecting him to say something life affirming about getting old when he said:
“ ..the end of the world will hurt less”
Random, unexpected, funny and totally quotable.
I’ll leave the last word to my big sister who has a very strong view on those who chose for non religious reasons to not eat meat:
“Vegetarians just do it to make people pay attention to them… observe my sensitivity…observe my delicacy, observe my thoughtfulness… what animals?...it’s all about me… me… me!”
More than a grain of truth in that one, after all we’ve all met the ‘vegetarian’ who will eat chicken or fish (those little known vegetables).
I do love the social commentary that can be found when ordinary people just tell it as it is. Of course, there will always be a place in all of our lives for literature. The books we read form a significant part our development. From reading, we form ideas and concepts about the world in which we live. Literature allows us all a chance to understand how a society functioned and why it functioned that way. Literature is the source of so much that is quotable for there is little that reveals better what people thought during a particular time and how they came by those thoughts.
But sometimes we just need to be standing outside Bar Two Hotspot on a Friday night, (when Kevin the 6ft 9 inch bouncer tries to explain to some micro celebrities why it is that they, like everyone else, are gonna have to stump up twenty quid), to know that quotable pearls of wisdom can be found just about anywhere.
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