"the incessant witless repetition of advertisers moron-fodder has become so much a part of life that if we are not careful, we forget to be insulted by it"
Is it just me or are adverts for cars and perfume in particular really ridiculous?
I’m not expecting brands to say “Buy our car… It goes fast” or “Buy our perfume…it smells nice”. I do get it, these are lifestyle brands and the point of an advert is to pitch you a lifestyle.
I’m open to advertising. I like the idea that someone is prepared to create an image in order to seduce me into a lifestyle.
I like most people I get it that different products or services give off clues as to my way of life. Or more to the point give off clues to a way of life I’d like to be associated with.
I also get the rubbish made up benefits of some products… “it’s intense taste takes you to another place”… oh really?! I for one would HATE to bite into chocolate and end up in
What I don’t get is why when it comes to selling us a car or a perfume the adverts become totally ridiculous.
What the hell happens in the creative departments of ad agencies when they get a commission for one of these products? Is the ink on the rather large cheque causing some kind of solvent abuse?
What am I supposed to make of these adverts?
How about the one where the car is represented by series of moving neon lit boxes… why? I don’t know. Or the one where a series of girls lovingly filmed in black and white shuffle to the left then right then back again carrying a large perfume bottle… why? Still unclear.
Seriously… who the hell understands these ads?
Is it just me or do other people sit in front of their TV’s and say… WTF???!!
Will someone tell these creative types that the adverts should be about shifting product and not about them picking up awards?
I find it infuriating that the image makers get so far away from the product no one has a clue what the hell is going on. Tell me what the product is and what it’ll do for me… is that TOO much to ask!
How hard can it be to make me want to buy into an aspirational lifestyle… associate the product with wealth, vitality, sex, power, talent, humour.
Movies have always been a great sources of inspiration. You’d imagine the creatives would have a blast making adverts in this vein.
Aston Martin makes a lot of its association with James Bond… they don’t have to even say it, just any guy in a dinner jacket parking up by a casino. Okay we all don’t have £90K for a basic model car… but who wants to buy into some of the car images we have on our TV’s lately. Vauxhall tried to do Oceans 11… and managed to bombard me with random images that don’t tell a story or sell me car. (However I did like the girls gold dress… but I think that wasn’t the point!)
Chanel No. 5 makes a lot of its association with Marilyn Monroe… after the movie icon of all time said that that scent was all she wore to bed, it was kind of a done deal that No. 5 was sexy. Okay they spent £18million pounds on reinforcing the message with Nicole Kidman… but simply being a huge designer won’t be enough to stop your advert being rubbish. Film star or no… Sienna Miller using a bottle of Hugo Boss as a mobile phone does little more than convince me that one spurt of agent ‘
It’s all getting a bit tiring trying to break the code of what on earth we are supposed to think these products will do for us.
Just for once… I’d like a perfume advert that implies if I wear the scent I’ll be more interesting and sexy than I already am…. And I’d like a car ad that implies the same.
OH… and if they mention that the car goes fast and the perfume smells nice that’d help greatly too.
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