"The Optimist stays up till midnight to see the New Year in. The Pragmatist stays up to make sure the old year actually leaves" Bill Vaughan
Actually overall 2010 has been not bad. It has been a mixed blessing of sunshine and showers... but overall... not a bad year. But 2010 probably won't figure in my list of favourite years... Most of the time in 2010 I was vaguely annoyed about something. I have a feeling this has been a transitionary year. That's the trouble with transitionary periods, nothing is quite right yet. I have a strong feeling 2011 is the one to watch. But I can't pontificate on what hasn't happened yet, I can only let the last days of 2010 play out and see what the new year brings
However I can't let the old one go without a little reflection. But in keeping with a vaguely annoying year... find my reflections are not a tranquil as one would hope at this time of year... but I find them amusing enough to share.
So in pure JaxWorld style.....here are my top 5 Most annoying things about TwentyTen:
1. Weather hysteria
SNOW!!!!Oh get over it! Winter in Northern Europe starts at the end of November but will end at the end of March. It may snow. Prepare. Grit. Carry on. (oh and get a shovel) HEATWAVE!!!!Oh calm down. Summer comes early in Northern Europe now. The sun will shine April to July - we will top 100 degrees fahrenheit. Stop planning outdoor events in August the rain WILL spoil them. (oh and get some factor 30+)
2. Passion what passion
When we finish panicking about our weather...it is amazing how often we get really emotional about something then completely forget about it... come on despite it going on for 3 months you've now forgotten about the BP oil spill and you are rather embarrassed about crying your heart out when the Chilean miners came up one by one. Haiti earthquake, Pakistan floods... we did care deeply honestly. How quickly we move on. Don't believe me... Eyjafjallajökull used to something you could spell,locate and have a strong opinion on. (Yep, you had to google it...didn't ya!)
3. Political actions by the politically ignorant
While we all laughed at Naomi Campbell's political ignorance in accepting blood diamonds then whinging when she had to go to court over it... her home country does the same thing en mass. Yep...with the same wisdom that German blamed the Jews and sought a final solution... Britain blames the unemployed for the banking crisis and seek a final solution to benefits. Don't start me on those who think blatant lies (Nick Clegg) or evil spin (Nick Griffin) are totally acceptable simply because we didn't like the geezer before them.
4. Reality crazy
They make them because they watch them. That's what they say. But who REALLY watches the reality shows they are making? The documentary style ones are vaguely informing and the competion ones are vaguely entertaining.... BUT dating, makeovers, lifestyle, docusoaps...who really needs to watch celebrity stylist clean a toilet on the M25? It's the fact we won't turn the telly off when this rubbish came of in 2010 has lead to the co-stars of Katie Price's reality show all having their own shows and Xfactor failures Jedwood having more telly time than the Queen.
5. Life will never be the same
Face it. We started the year without i-pads and kinnects for our X-boxes and thought we were quite technically advanced. But now.... totally sane people will be remembering the night they spent in a sleeping bag outside the apple store just to be the 1st to have an i-pad. Meanwhile while a zillion kinnects are added to the Xbox....a zillion side ways glances at the dusty wii in the corner reminds us all that these things are just a short jaunt in time from being as useless as an 8-track in a Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4.
So... that's that. The year where in sport we lost the world cup by being arrogant wankers but will bring home the Ashes (which is just as well as we had them on us and didn't really want to give them to a load of Aussies again). The year where we thought we were getting political by voting against a bad government yet got ourselves a worse one but will be shown the way by the young who seem to have woken from their slumber. The year where marrying a footballer seemed a bad idea as Mrs Cole,Mrs Rooney and Mrs Terry found out but marrying a royal seemed to give us all time of work. The year where we lost the talent of Alexander Mcqueen, the legend of Norman Wisdom and the passion of Claire Rayner but cracked bootiful turkey jokes about the passing of Bernard Matthews. The year where millions lost their jobs as the cuts began to bite but we all felt happy for the mystery lottery winner who went home with £120 million. The year where there was a significant rise in the amount of babies born in the UK, but none carried more weight than Sharon Needham's 13lb 8oz baby boy Harry who arrived in April.
Yep there's nothing like a little reflection to make you realise 2010 has been quite a year... but I have a feeling there are exciting times ahead. Wonder what 2011 will be bringing us all?
Happy new year everyone when it comes!
However I can't let the old one go without a little reflection. But in keeping with a vaguely annoying year... find my reflections are not a tranquil as one would hope at this time of year... but I find them amusing enough to share.
So in pure JaxWorld style.....here are my top 5 Most annoying things about TwentyTen:
1. Weather hysteria
SNOW!!!!Oh get over it! Winter in Northern Europe starts at the end of November but will end at the end of March. It may snow. Prepare. Grit. Carry on. (oh and get a shovel) HEATWAVE!!!!Oh calm down. Summer comes early in Northern Europe now. The sun will shine April to July - we will top 100 degrees fahrenheit. Stop planning outdoor events in August the rain WILL spoil them. (oh and get some factor 30+)
2. Passion what passion
When we finish panicking about our weather...it is amazing how often we get really emotional about something then completely forget about it... come on despite it going on for 3 months you've now forgotten about the BP oil spill and you are rather embarrassed about crying your heart out when the Chilean miners came up one by one. Haiti earthquake, Pakistan floods... we did care deeply honestly. How quickly we move on. Don't believe me... Eyjafjallajökull used to something you could spell,locate and have a strong opinion on. (Yep, you had to google it...didn't ya!)
3. Political actions by the politically ignorant
While we all laughed at Naomi Campbell's political ignorance in accepting blood diamonds then whinging when she had to go to court over it... her home country does the same thing en mass. Yep...with the same wisdom that German blamed the Jews and sought a final solution... Britain blames the unemployed for the banking crisis and seek a final solution to benefits. Don't start me on those who think blatant lies (Nick Clegg) or evil spin (Nick Griffin) are totally acceptable simply because we didn't like the geezer before them.
4. Reality crazy
They make them because they watch them. That's what they say. But who REALLY watches the reality shows they are making? The documentary style ones are vaguely informing and the competion ones are vaguely entertaining.... BUT dating, makeovers, lifestyle, docusoaps...who really needs to watch celebrity stylist clean a toilet on the M25? It's the fact we won't turn the telly off when this rubbish came of in 2010 has lead to the co-stars of Katie Price's reality show all having their own shows and Xfactor failures Jedwood having more telly time than the Queen.
5. Life will never be the same
Face it. We started the year without i-pads and kinnects for our X-boxes and thought we were quite technically advanced. But now.... totally sane people will be remembering the night they spent in a sleeping bag outside the apple store just to be the 1st to have an i-pad. Meanwhile while a zillion kinnects are added to the Xbox....a zillion side ways glances at the dusty wii in the corner reminds us all that these things are just a short jaunt in time from being as useless as an 8-track in a Lamborghini Gallardo LP570-4.
So... that's that. The year where in sport we lost the world cup by being arrogant wankers but will bring home the Ashes (which is just as well as we had them on us and didn't really want to give them to a load of Aussies again). The year where we thought we were getting political by voting against a bad government yet got ourselves a worse one but will be shown the way by the young who seem to have woken from their slumber. The year where marrying a footballer seemed a bad idea as Mrs Cole,Mrs Rooney and Mrs Terry found out but marrying a royal seemed to give us all time of work. The year where we lost the talent of Alexander Mcqueen, the legend of Norman Wisdom and the passion of Claire Rayner but cracked bootiful turkey jokes about the passing of Bernard Matthews. The year where millions lost their jobs as the cuts began to bite but we all felt happy for the mystery lottery winner who went home with £120 million. The year where there was a significant rise in the amount of babies born in the UK, but none carried more weight than Sharon Needham's 13lb 8oz baby boy Harry who arrived in April.
Yep there's nothing like a little reflection to make you realise 2010 has been quite a year... but I have a feeling there are exciting times ahead. Wonder what 2011 will be bringing us all?
Happy new year everyone when it comes!
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