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Sauff Lundin Overspill, Kent, United Kingdom
I've been told it's like I keep my thoughts in a champagne bottle, then shake it up and POP THAT CORK! I agree...life is for living and havin fun - far too short to bottle up stuff. So POP!...You may think it... I will say it! (And that cork's been popped a few times... check out the blog archive as the base of the page for many more rants and observations!)

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Friday, 8 March 2013

Blog 242 - Winteritus

 'Winter is nature's way of saying, "Up yours".'  
 ~Robert Byrne

Alanis Morissette once warbled her heart out about irony and I have to say she crossed my mind today as I shoved a load in the washing machine on this rainy day. It couldn't be less a laundry day... grey miserable and rainy. But needs must... and if I don't reduce the laundry pile I may have to be dug out from under it. Please pay attention to the last statement... it was purely the fact that I could perish under unwashed towels and socks that motivated me to actually do something about it. 

Ironic indeed that I am time poor at the moment.... when I don't seem to be doing anything amazingly absorbing with the 24hr periods we laughingly call the days of our lives. 

When I last checked (November)it seemed clear that I don't seem to be living a high octane, rush about lifestyle anymore - so how is it that the hum drum stuff never seems to have a vacant window in which they can be tended to in a timely fashion? Laundry needs to be done, house needs to be sparkled, the dentist check up, the hairdresser hasn't seen me for months, even the cat is a stranger to the vet ... nothing seems to be getting done. So what the hell am I doing with my time? 

I'm beginning to think this may be winter-itus. 

The final furlong of winter in northern europe always seems to be the longest. We launch ourselves quite happily into winter in the latter half of the year. The shops are full of the twinkling promise of Christmas, we return to our cosy homes (long forgotten over the hazy days of outdoor living in summer), we have parties and gatherings,  we get sentimental with friends and family, then along comes New Year and we headily toast in the future, then we wait for the first snows impatiently (then enjoy them for 5 minutes, complain about them for the duration, then mourn them once they go), we put our hearts on the line for valentines day which is a frisson if nothing else, and we can stuff ourselves silly with pancakes in preparation for the run up to Easter...then we find ourselves in March thinking...why is still bloody winter! - enough already. 

I think I am filling my days being fed up with winter. And this is leaving me so little time to do anything else. 

On Tuesday, my boyfriend and I decided to celebrate our anniversary. I hasten to add it was NOT the date of our anniversary but hey ho, the sun was out and we were both rather sick of the cabin fever that winter thrusts upon you. So what did we do?... we lounged about doing nowt! We lounged about in a variety of rooms in the house...we even lounged about in the garden! We were saved only by the fact we were too lazy to cook. We wandered down to the local barn and got them to cook us a couple of steaks. But soon as we came home... we lounged about watching a movie. In fact we were that lazy that we couldn't even turn the ruddy movie off (my goodness it was SHOCKINGLY BAD)… because winteritus has got is in its thrall and until we are into spring I fear we will probably be unlikely to exert ourselves again! 

I decided last night... as Spring is defo still weeks away that such lethary needs to stop. 

I was determined to do something with today. Spring out of bed. Stick a load on. Cook some breakfast. Rain or no rain, hop on the bike cycle down the village for supplies and cycle back. That'll do for a start... I'll make another plan at noon. Incrementally shake myself out of this lazy arse funk! 


I lolled around in bed texting the boyfriend, he also was lolling about in bed...we exchanged photos of our feet under duvet covers. (Yeah... we are that erotic! LOL). Wandered downstairs put the kettle on... too lazy to make tea so glugged lemonade from the fridge. Put sausages on... to lazy to make a sandwich so ate them straight from the grill. Wandered back up stairs...remembered the laundry.  Came down...stuck some towels in the washing machine. Wandered back up ran a bath. Came back down and fed cat. Discovered cat had stolen lid to lemonade and had made it her fave new toy. Had half hour dilemma about how to keep the lemonade fresh without a lid. Thought I'd check what the internet had to say about it. Got side tracked into writing blog. Still haven't got in bath yet. Time... 11.57. 

And THIS is how I am running out of time.  

I am in a lazy arse funk. I just can't seem to get going... 

Okay... STOP blogging... you still have three minutes left of the morning....  then you can get back on track with the make another plan at noon. 

So this is Jax signing out from JaxWorld (or jax-lazy-arse-world)… I am off to get my GROOVE back before spring. 

Winteritus... man it sucks! 

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