“SLAG: the materials left over after the process of separating the valuable fraction from the uneconomic portion of an ore” Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Ever seen that woman who has zero inhibitions. Ever wondered where she comes from or what makes her that way? Or do you just think “one of natures good time girls” and never give it another thought.
Probably the latter huh? Some girls are wives, some are mistresses and the others… well… you don’t HAVE to be a slag do you? It’s a choice… probably the wrong choice but a choice none the less. After all no one makes a girl wear clothing a size too small, or say something so provocative, or dance like there is a pole in the room , or not wait to be asked…to just boldly offer. Who really wants to know what makes a woman that way when clearly that path seldom leads anywhere but to loneliness long term. Clearly the wife option is the one to aim for… the mistress if you have no luck or solid offers… but really – who sets their goal at being a good time girl? Surely everyone know that truly is not an option… not to anyone with an ounce of sense.
Hey ho this wouldn’t be JaxWorld if there was really going to be a presentation of the argument for the obvious. (The obvious being… female successfully negotiates protection and security for life from male of species by only being uninhibited with aforementioned male in private, behind closed doors and preferably with the light off (marriage) or all of the above but with the light on and sometimes in the back of his car (mistress)… you know the OBVIOUS). We all know that women who do not trade the exclusivity of sexual relations with a male before a certain age will end up sad, alone, dressed like lamb when clearly looking like mutton, owning far too many cats, and dancing like a crack whore in order to attract just enough attention to stop herself swallowing a bucket load of pills. But really. I know the obvious is what we all believe… but REALLY???
It is obvious to me that I cannot see beyond the horizon. Should I then believe that there is nothing further and the world is flat?
It is obvious to me that the sky is the lid on top of my world… I’ve never seen beyond it with my own eyes. Should I then believe that there is nothing beyond the sky?
Yep… what is obvious… what is self evident… quite often is not anything other than an invitation to delve deeper.
Because if you delve deeper, you will find people’s stories, and when you do you realise that what you thought was a sad slag is in fact what the Americans call a bitchad. Which like most American thangs these days turns out to be an anachronism:
- Babe
- In
- Total
- Control of
- Herself
- And her
- Destiny
Frankly I find the whole thing is rather laboured (two words to one letter is quite frankly cheating) but hey ho Bitchad is vaguely pronounceable …. and it has made it into the New Oxford American Dictionary… so who am I to argue.
Bitchad’s reject the idea of hitching their wagon to someone else’s horse. Thing is, they argue, once you enter into these partnership deals you have to keep up your end of the bargain. This usually means submission to some sort of code of conduct.
Interesting to note that given free reign on what to wear 89.4% of a test sample of 1678 western girls aged between 4 and 7 chose denim mini skirts, spangangly tube tops, generous and obvious coatings of make up and serious amounts of hair volumisming. From this the conclusion was drawn that (in the west at least) it is instinctual to the female to dress provocatively. A similar number of girls from the same background aged 14-17 were given free reign on what to wear and the choices were startlingly, more conservative. From this the conclusion was drawn that (in the west at least) nurture is used to control the female’s desire to dress like sirens.
This research didn’t surprise me much. Women are brought up (in the west at least) to seek out a secure provider and get him shackled to them by some sort of enforceable action – marriage or children or something. Usually, in return for the protection and security, a male will require the repression of any external sexual liberation. It did not surprise me in the slightest that the vast majority of young women would ‘sit on their money maker’ – to attain a status one must act a status and a wife’s status is that of exclusivity… she would hardly dress to attract attention. (The ownership of cardigans being incredibly high amongst wife and quite comparable among mistresses).
Reading up on Bitchad’s I noted that they too have a penchant for cardigans… worn over not much more than a push up bra, and usually with few buttons secured. But at the end of the day these women seem to be very up front about their sex… and will advertise themselves as up for purely recreational relations by overtly breaking the code of conduct society has in place for women.
Is this what is beyond the obvious? I wonder… after all what is in it for them?
"Women were the guardians of morality; they were made of finer stuff than men and were to act accordingly" so said Harpers Magazine editor Frederick Allen. Of course you’ll note he phrased his observation in the past tense. He noted the women of his acquaintance had acted upon a desire to be seen as individuals outside of their familial roles. He commented on the huge difference in these women’s clothing, language and behaviour. In particular he noted primitive, uninhibited and sexual behaviour in these women, something he found puzzling as they seem not to be interested in making permanent relations with their sexual partners and wished to be viewed as independent worldly women.
What prompted his observation was an advertisement for car batteries that was placed in his magazine. The advertisement featured four women dealing quite competently with their broken down car. The advertisement was entirely devoid of men. To Mr Allen this was an excellent example of how the women of his world had changed. The date?... oh... 1923.
You see, this ain’t nothing new. Today the word Bitchad has made it to the American dictionary, 90 odd years previously the word Flapper got there too. In the 1920s, flappers broke away from the Victorian image of womanhood. They dropped the corset, chopped their hair, dropped layers of clothing to increase ease of movement, wore make-up, created the concept of dating, and became a sexual person. They created what many consider the "new" or "modern" woman – the torch was handed to the generations of women of the decades that followed and all sorts of impossible dreams became realities for women.
Of course, then along came the 1990’s and the post-feminist movement. If you have no idea what this is -it can be most clearly seen on so-called feminist media products, such as Bridget Jones's Diary, Ally McBeal or Sex and the City. Female characters claim to be liberated but what they are constantly searching for is the one man who will make everything worthwhile.
Yep... throughout the 90’s and Noughties women drifted away from the idea of being in total control of their selves and their destinies and simpered dreamily after suitors.
Well here we are in the twenty-tens and there has been a bit of a reaction. Like the flappers of the 1920’s who were not prepared to sit around and wait for the suitors who were not coming (good excuse though, most were killed or maimed in WWI), the Bitchads seem unable to sit around and wait for the suitors who are not coming for them either (no idea why but there seems to be a numerical disbalance between the genders). The Bitchads seem to have decided, like their jazz-baby sisters before them that sisters should be doing it for themselves.
Waiting for Mr Right is no passive activity, there are 12 hard and fast rules to be adhered to at all times :
Ø Don't Talk to a Man First (and Don't Ask Him to Dance)
Ø Don't Have Flirtatious Eye Contact with Men or Be Loquacious
Ø Be Honest but Mysterious Don’t Open Up Too Fast
Ø Don't Initiate Telephone Contact, Rarely Return His Calls, Always End Phone Calls First
Ø Don't Meet Him Halfway or Go Dutch on a Date and Don't Accept a Saturday Night Date after a Wednesday
Ø Always End the Date First Don’t See Him More than Once or Twice a Week
Ø No More than Casual Kissing on the First Two to Three Dates
Ø Don't Have Intimate Relations Till After Fourth Date (or Longer)
Ø Don't Tell Him What to Do, Always Let Him Take the Lead
Ø Don't Expect a Man to Change or Try to Change Him
Ø Don’t Live with a Man or Leave Your Things at His Place
Ø Stop Dating Him if He Doesn't Buy You a Romantic Gift for Your Birthday or Valentine's Day
This is much the same stuff Flappers said “To Hell with that” and dragged men onto the dancefloor, did a few Charleston’s followed by a frantic horizontal foxtrot in the back of a Crossley 20/25. Bitchads are clearly of the same mind. I should imagine back in the 1920’s the good girls (Gibson Girls) would have been scandalised by the Flappers and called them slags. A Gibson girl dressed appropriately, waited for a suitor and definitely sat on her ‘money maker’ till after the vows were said... she knew that in order for a woman to have any security in this world, she needs to trade exclusive rights with a man... or be left on the slag heap of life.
The post feminist movement, sprung up maybe because for all the achievements made by women from the 1920’s onwards, young women started to recoil in horror at the very idea of being thought of as feminist. The almost ritualistic denunciation of feminism heralded a return to the values of the Gibson Girl... the meek will inherit the earth. (Well, if not the earth- a meal ticket for life). Luckily there are women who just don’t buy into this 12 steps to matrimony or nothing stuff (I say luckily as demographically there are just not enough men to make this possible!).
I was asked the other day do I think Bitchad’s really are in control of their destinies and if I think they’ve got it right.
You know what? I haven’t a clue. All I know is that this is that whenever I see one.... she does rather look like she’s having a whole heap of fun. I find it a little sad that "You Slag!" seems to be the judgement on thoe who simply choose to walk a different path. Live and let live I say.
Can’t see what the fuss is all about really.
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