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Sauff Lundin Overspill, Kent, United Kingdom
I've been told it's like I keep my thoughts in a champagne bottle, then shake it up and POP THAT CORK! I agree...life is for living and havin fun - far too short to bottle up stuff. So POP!...You may think it... I will say it! (And that cork's been popped a few times... check out the blog archive as the base of the page for many more rants and observations!)

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Monday, 16 September 2013

BLOG 262 - The Big Breakfast

"You don't want to be fat? Then you have to say no to certain foods". Shakira

I'm not saying you will end up looking like the goddess that is Shakira... But I am saying that I may have stumbled across why it is  that your good intentions to end up that way fall apart so ruddy quickly.

And on this matter I can honestly say that my hips don't lie.

Apparently weight gain IS breakfast linked. Step away from the orangejuice/ toast/cereal combo NOW!!!

I have spent most my of life trying to assemble the defence for the good old process and genetically modified free zone which is known to us all as THE GOOD OL' BRITISH FRY UP and I cannot contain my excitement as to this mornings little discovery.

I'm doing a freelance article for a health club at the moment ... no matter what bills must be paid, so here I am knuckling down to some work.

It's not great fun  going through loads of research papers on hormone imbalances. I can assure you it is rather dull. Insulin spikes, Grehlin hormones, Adiponectin activity, Cortisol production, phytonutient stripping, arteries, blood sugar levels yaddah yaddah yaddah.

Anyway after a few hours I looked at my notes..  and there was a bloody pattern.  Breakfast.... and not a mention of a wallsey banger or a danepak sizzle strip in sight.....just discovered a load of stuff that shocked me!

Every time these five foods in one form or another kept surfacing....:
*Concentrated Fruit juice
*Wholewheat bread
*Soy milk 
*Breakfast Cereal 

Basically if you trolley that lot for breakkers, you are releasing a hormone called Grehlin. Starting the day with Grehlin in your system and all day long high-calorie foods look more appealing (perhaps explaining why you'll choose chocolate cake over salad by tea time!)

Whereas if you start with a protein led orgy...you produce Adiponectin which is a fat burning hormone... ramp it up with some green veggies and a cup of green tea.... no more insulin/cortisol spikes and you gain easy entry into SLENDER CITY!
(Who knew????)

Anyway... thought I'd share, it was like one of those lemons/lemonade moments . 

PLEASE NOTE :My legal advisor has asked me to remind life that there are diversity laws in this country and that next time life gives me lemons there had better be some limes and oranges prominently featured or I'll see life in court.

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Sunday, 15 September 2013

BLOG 261 - Walking Dead

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others." John Stuart Mill  Author of On Liberty.

I would like to apologise if lately I have not been the version of me you knew.

Why? Well that’s easy - Over the last 24 days I have had approx. 6 complete hours of sleep and my stress levels are off the chart.

Why? Because my life ended on 21st August 2013. And all I am doing now is awaiting burial.

I was not even present in the moment that my life ended.  I had no idea that I was being killed.  But on that fateful night the architects of my death got busy ensuring everything was done to end the life and reputation I had before that eve.

I found out I was dead at four o’clock the following afternoon. Cause of death - cruelty of others.

Over the lasts 24 days I've been going out of my mind trying to figure out why anyone would be so cruel. Why would someone you look out for and almost consider family believe this is what I deserve. This is the thought that keeps me awake at night. Why? What harm did I do that demanded this action?

This thought does not trouble the architect of my death. That person swears blind that I deserve exactly this and has gone out of her way to enforce this outcome. She's not alone - she so easily found support to get her way. She has found enforcers to ensure that the outcome will be that my life and my reputation are destroyed. Intoxicated on power they are having the time of their lives ripping the flesh of the carcass that used to be my life.

They claim they are doing so to prevent me causing harm to others. They claim that this is a genuine and real risk. They have constructed case to support the view that I am source of  genuine  harm  to others. And it is a seductive fiction, it is much more exciting than the boring facts.

History is full of seductive fictions that easily gain support.

Which is how it has come to pass that I was murdered on 21st August 2013. My coffin was made on 5th September and they plan for me to be underground by end of month.

I float in limbo - sleepless and exhausted from asking why. 

So no…. I’m not myself lately. To be honest I don’t think I could ever be the version of me you knew ever again. That version of me has been deemed without any saving grace and has been condemned as a source of harm to others.

But waste no more time thinking of it.

As I said by end of month…. The person you once knew will be buried before October dawns.

But please …..stop asking me why I am not myself lately.

I am dead.


The JaxWorld Blog can be followed on Twitter-@JaxWorldBlog
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Thanks for continuing to vote for JaxWorld as the Best Blog about Stuff and for ALL your support that has made this blog such a huge success

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

BLOG 260 - Absolutely sure

“We believe the words heard were  the informal meaning of "shoot him, Chris" we do not believe he was communicating the literal meaning  "give him the gun, Chris". Jury foreman

Two kids on a roof top. They are have broken the law in some way. They are being persued by an unarmed policeman. The younger of the kids has a gun. They are cornered. The policeman requests the weapon is surrendered. The elder kid shouts to the younger “Let him have it Chris”. The younger one shoots. The policeman dies.

The elder one states he was telling the younger one to hand over the weapon.

The kids are charged. The younger one is under age. The elder one is not.

The courts believe the prosecution that elder one was giving instructions to kill the policeman.

The elder one is executed within one month of conviction.

45-years later the elder one was given a posthumous pardon, which was granted partially in 1993, then completely in 1998. Because quite frankly... the meaning of what was overheard was incorrect.

This case has never been forgotten in Britain. Nor should it.

We do love to think we know what people mean when we think we hear what they say.

And sometimes as a consequence of us being so damn sure we know the contents of another person’s mind…. Someone dies.

We don’t always hear what we think we hear.

Remember that the next time you THINK you've heard something.

Remember that the next time you say that you know EXACTLY what was going on.

Because if you have got it wrong…..

The JaxWorld Blog can be followed on Twitter-@JaxWorldBlog
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