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Sauff Lundin Overspill, Kent, United Kingdom
I've been told it's like I keep my thoughts in a champagne bottle, then shake it up and POP THAT CORK! I agree...life is for living and havin fun - far too short to bottle up stuff. So POP!...You may think it... I will say it! (And that cork's been popped a few times... check out the blog archive as the base of the page for many more rants and observations!)

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Sunday, 22 January 2012

BLOG 192: Grow your own

Fakery: that is not authentic or genuine; a sham.” Oxford concise dictionary

A hot discussion this week with my mates was the Facebook page “ I love the fake look”. This page is dedicated to the ignoble art of fakery in which enhancements upon what nature gave you are to be celebrated. I can only assume that this page sprung up as a reaction to such TV shows as “Snog Marry Avoid”, in which exponents of fake tan, fake nails, fake hair, fake eyelashes, fake boobs even fake teeth (!) are stripped back to reveal what actually lies beneath the layers and layers of fakery.

Despite the heated debate that sprung up about what is an enhancement and what is a cheat, one thing became clear – in Britain 2012... it’ll be quite a challenge to find any attractive person who is entirely that way because of nature. When you are aware of this you can't help but begin to see that fakery has become mainstream – and that of course means the norm.

Once I started to think about this I noticed something I had not particularly registered. A seismic change has taken place concerning what is retailed in my local high street. Time was the high street was the home of the butcher, the baker, (okay we never had a candlestick maker but you get the point). Now, 61% of the units are in the ‘health and beauty” sector.

The high street is now a Mecca for those who wish to have false nails affixed or hair extensions added or “no-sun-required” tans applied. My local high street is not a draw to people outside of the borough; therefore I can only surmise that of the 218,307 catchment... only a minority are wandering the streets exactly as nature intended.

I was not quite sure when it was that I became the only person I knew with nails that actually grow out of my fingers... but then I am sure I have friends who say they are not sure when they became the only person they knew who have hair that actually grows out of their head. As for skin tone...at my son’s school the predominant race is the nation of Orange – such is penchant for fake tan in my local area... even among the under 16’s.

Talking about the under 16’s... I am gob smacked (and slightly envious) of how at such young ages these girls can apply and wear false eyelashes with such aplomb. Last time I tried, they became detached and I had to rescue mine from my soup. But to the generations growing up they are par for the course... though I remain concerned about this quite adult eye enhancement being worn by children. [But what do I know... most of the girls seem to wear coloured contact lens too.. I am not the mother of a daughter so I'm not up to date on what discussions take place before it is okayed to alter the windows to your soul.] It may just be my age, but while I embrace experimentation with your looks – early teen years seem a little soon to give up on what nature gave you.

Mind you, I am probably talking from the do as I say not as I do book.

I’m not alone practically everyone over the age of majority is guilty of that one. While my mates and I sat vilifying the ‘I love fakery’ page, I had to notice not ONE of us leaves the house without some alteration to natures plan. Although this you would have never surmised from the conversation we had regarding fakery. In each of our own heads, have come to regard tampering with our exteriors as perfectly fine providing we don’t look obvious. It was clear we saved our vilification for exponents of the Barbie-doll look. These days you have to go quite a way down the fakery path before anyone has something to say about it.

So was I napping when this change happened? It doesn't seem that long ago that we were all doing the natural look. It this trend for obviously altering your looks new? Well of course it is not! But I ain’t gonna bore you with the Ancient Egyptians and the fact that men and women wore slap on their gobs for centuries as we all know that.

I’m more interested in why it is we’ve reverted back to obvious fakery - and in such a big way.

Well I suppose the natural reaction to decadence is to go the other way in a big hurry so when the Georgian era was over [King George IV and his followers spent a fortune on cold cream, powders, pastes, and scents] and his niece Vicki took the throne... change was on the cards. Some how Victoria got it into her head that anyone who enhanced their appearance was doing so for trade. Of course makeup has an associated use with actors and prostitutes (which many at that time considered to be one and the same). She was a popular bird ol' Vicki and she hung around for a ruddy long time therefore it became part of the nations psyche to regard with disdain any visible hint of tampering with what nature gave you.

Believe it or not it took Selfridges of Oxford Street to start selling make up OVERTHECOUNTER in 1910, to convince most normal people that a bit of slap is ok (before that buying enhancements was always a furtive activity). Nevertheless the Victorian look remained in fashion until movie linked makeup marketing came about during the 1920's. By the late '20's, visible styling (not attributed to nature) was considered a must by city dwellers but was still frowned upon in rural areas. From the 1930's through the 1950's, movie stars proved to be the models for trends in physical appearance as this form of entertainment became iconic. With the '60's the Egyptian look came back with heavily lined eyes and by the end of the decade physical representation became political as liberation was communicated through painted images on faces. Heavily lined eyes continued through the '70's and by 80's both genders were plastered in bright eye shadow colours and did unspeakable things to their hair. But those Victorian values started kicking in again after the excesses of the 1980’s and by the 90’s the trend reverted to the Victorian natural look with occasssional nods to the styles from the prior 60 years.

So what happened to have women (and men) gluing fake hair to eyes and heads, spraying themselves orange, and bonding acrylic to the extreme end of their paws?

Well, according to social historians it’s actually just a return to common sense - the way things have always been.

Their research shows that in the earlier part of the 20th century, 'Victorian' was a term to which free associations would be hypocritical, oppressive, old-fashioned - basically...un-modern. So from the 1920’s through to 1980’s the obvious way to show you were none of the above was to obviously enhance your exterior. In the 1990’s however, during the Cool-Britainnia era, there was a sentimental harkening back to the assumed great days of the British Empire at its height. It was popularly belived that the so called Glory-days were sustained by 'Victorian values' of self-reliance, free enterprise, moral severity. This rather naive vision proved readily contestable (didn’t they shove kids up chimneys, enslaved the colonies and put the poor in workhouses?) – so , having found Victorian values more fake than Beyonce's hair....we are back to showing we reject their values by slapping on the fakery.

Errmmmmmmmm.... REALLY??

I just thought it was fashion! Why this fashion is acceptable is a great question but I really don’t think social historians have it quite right here.

No slant to the intelligence of the residents in my town, but doubt very much if they could even accurately give the correct years of the Victorian era – let alone know that they are rebelling against them.

The dictates of fashion have always come from role models. There has been a seismic shift in who these role models are. The Victorians may well have looked down their noses entertainers, but since technological advances have given us the cinema, the radio and the television – the purveyors of this trade are no longer in musical halls at the wrong end of town.... they are in our living rooms, in our cars and in our minds. Add this to the inaccessibility of the old role models (in Victorian times this would have been the upper classes and the intelligentsia) and it is obvious - celebrities have become the most accessible role models we have.

So... if our entertainers have become our role models and role models set the trends[check out picture at start of this article] ...no wonder there is no a hand, an eye, a chest, or a head without an enhancement or ten!... it’s the fashion.

That’s why my local high street can support so many salons for the application of this fakery – it’s popular!

However... there is a little part of me that wonders about relationships.

Do you have to be on duty 24/7... or does the other half not bat an unembellished eyelid when all the falsies come off?... it must be quite a shock to see a pile of chicken fillets, eyelashes, nails, hair and even bum padding! This is to say nothing of the spray tan stains on the sheets!

This may be where keeping one Victorian value (lights off in the bedroom) may just be a VERY good idea. ;)

The JaxWorld Blog can be followed on Twitter- @JaxWorldBlog

If you enjoyed this blog and you want to contact Jax or find out more about the JaxWorld blog, pls log onto: http://thejaxworldblog.vpweb.co.uk/

Thanks for continuing to vote for JaxWorld as the Best Blog about Stuff and for ALL your support that has made this blog such a huge success.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

BLOG 191: Coincidence

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”Albert Einstein

As any student of cause and effect can tell you, a coincidence is when two or more events happen either simultaneously or in sequence, without any sort of obvious connection. Generally coincidences surprise us because; naturally enough (given their nature) we just weren't expecting them. As any student of cause and effect will tell you sometimes things just happen at the same time.

But as Albert Einstein (not a dumb man) so eloquently pointed out, this is not a natural state of play. Coincidence of action and event is by definition unexpected. But when supposedly unrelated events happen again... and again... oh... and again! (ad infinitum)...are you witnessing the universe at play... or are you giving in to human stupidity? Put more simply....At what point do you stop pretending that accidents of fate and timing are at play and something is orchestrated?

When one suspects that the so called coincidence (that happened at a timing that would benefit the same person/cause the same person most damage) has happened yet again, you just would not wish to be British. Here as a nation we deem the BEST reaction to employ is to do the politic thing.

This action is ingrained in our culture, it runs from the top to the bottom. One only has to look at the example set by our wonderful head of state. (Note to my overseas readers: Our head of state is a non-elected, hereditary role where one person has to be the moral compass of a nation – act out the best of what we could be – tough gig but well paid!)

The best of what we could be according to the example of the British Head of State is to be politic (whisper from behind the scenes rather than risk the merit of your argument at the point of attack). In other words... smile and wave, smile and wave... no matter what.

One should not be combative ever. If you suspect there is not a coincidence and that the game is not being played as straight as it claims... you should not shout your concerns or present your findings; instead you should make bouquets from the sparse weeds that grow on the sidelines of the playing fields.

If you wish to record that at every turn your path is thwarted, your motives questioned and perverted, your character assassinated – do not do so publically. Whisper – to a priest or wall or something that will not report or act upon your findings and get back out there and Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave.

From the example set to us we know that if you smile enough and wave enough your weary limbs will ache so much that it will block the searing pain of an orchestrated attack.

I have tried this. I have whispered my findings to a brick wall, I have lifted my arm and I have followed the example.

Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave. Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave. Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave. Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave. Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave. Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave. Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave. Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave. Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave. Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave, Smile and Wave.

No still hurts.

Damn it!

The JaxWorld Blog can be followed on Twitter- @JaxWorldBlog

If you enjoyed this blog and you want to contact Jax or find out more about the JaxWorld blog, pls log onto: http://thejaxworldblog.vpweb.co.uk/

Thanks for continuing to vote for JaxWorld as the Best Blog about Stuff and for ALL your support that has made this blog such a huge success.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

BLOG 190: Atonement

“I know. I'm lazy. But I made myself a New Years resolution that I would do something really special. Which means I have 'til December, right?” Catherine O'Hara

It’s a strange thing but the human condition is wired to seek atonement after it’s had a ruddy good time.

We just can’t seem to let the good times roll... and then roll some more... or at least my friends can’t.

By all reports the festive season was a good one for practically everyone I’ve come across in recent weeks. There was eating. There was drinking. There was a heck of a lot of making merry.

Quite simply the teachings of the ancient Egyptians seemed more paramount tin December more so than any of the Christian faith: Follow your desire as long as you shall live. Fulfill your needs upon earth after the command of your heart.

Clever people those ancient Egyptians... they knew how to write a design for life 4500 years ago! And my mates bought it hook line and sinker and to be honest December 1st to January 2nd we were pretty much the dictionary definition of hedonists.

Many of us followed our hearts desire by indulging in banquets rather than meals – nothing says following your hearts desire than filling your gob with what ever takes your fancy.. when ever you fancy. (I will say nothing here of a certain scooter riding chum and the pies... on wheels)

Of course a hearts desire could be reignited love affairs, which for many have been with beverages of an alcoholic nature and, as with all ignited passions, maybe loved a little to excess. Nothing follows the command of the heart like mulled wine/cider and the contents of the rum toft. (No mention of certain duo of girls fitting a mini-pub crawl into a fag break... at a party)

Others have sidelined the solitary rituals of the gymnasium for the company of fellow beings they had not shared fellowship with for most of last year. The wine bars, pubs and Clubs of London have borne witness to this phenomenon while the treadmills of the city gyms stood idle for 31 days. It seems nothing fulfils your needs than upping the anti with relationships that were once less intimate than friendship. (Sealed lips on The Weight Trainer December forgot who came back into the fold!...)

December is always a good place to be for most of us... we sate our hunger for food, for drink and for company. And if we go a little over the top... to heck with forbearance... in December hedonism reigns supreme, and we refuse regret as an option... it’s party time!

Then comes January.

I don’t know if it is because we have all run out of money... (Yes to be truly hedonistic it really helps to have unlimited resources of wonga) ... but suddenly everyone seems to be on a purge.

Yes... a ruddy good time was had by all BUT now all are seeking atonement.

Practically everyone is dieting... I cannot tell you how hard it has been to give away a box of luxury Belgian chocolates this week! And don’t start me on the frantic amount of detoxing that is going on...On Friday when I opened several bottles of wine and got the beers out, my dear friend T-Man (always a dead cert for a bottle of bud) sought comfort in a bottle of non alcoholic beer! BUT the most painful purge of all is the sudden desire of all and sundry to (as we say in England) “Stay indoors”. [Which for my non UK readers means quite simply – no one is leaving their own house.]

This pleasure then purge syndrome is everywhere... turn on the telly this time last month Marks and Spencer were smugly telling us (in their now legendary Food Porn voice)to have two puddings and this week the same voice is trying to sell us 'slimming' ready meals! Meanwhile cereal manufacturers are trying to convince us to buy loads of their product and trade a decent lunch or dinner for a repeat of breakfast...and ‘you WILL drop a dress size by February’.

It’s poppycock we all know it is poppycock... but we’ve had the pleasure of December and we MUST purge our way through January.

A friend of mine has dedicated herself to turning her body into a temple of fitness by joining the new Gymnasium that has just opened near me. She is serious about her purge - so much so that she has handed over a large chunk of her income to a personal trainer in this establishment. Her goal is that through regular attendance her December Abused Body will not only recover from the damage she may also gain a youthful glow and taught tummy. She told this to her trainer at her assessment and he admirably retorted “I'm not in this business to lie to you...There are lot of machines in this gym, but there are no time machines."

While the poppycock is there for all to see in the body-purges...The staying in thing has a sanctimonious air to it. It’s all so sensible saving money and enjoying ones own home... “staying in is the new going out” the purgees cry. Thus making this particular purge probably the most infuriating purge of all.

My mate is the doyenne of the dance floors of London. In his company we spent December clubbing it: jostling between drunken, over-grown rugby boys and shrieking home county cougars. We roared to each other over remixed, crappy mainstream pop and the noise that tries to label itself as R & B these days - and a great time was had by all. No one seemed to mind entry fees and cover charges in December but come January apparently we do. The announcement is made: Really, once you’ve been to one nightclub with a sticky floor, you may well have been to them all – so to save pennies he is not going out till February.

And it’s not just the wobbling around the handbags that has been purged... eating out has got the chop too. This time last month it meant nothing at all to any of us to pay £16 for a bottle of wine in a restaurant even though we knew we could have bought it for £6 at the supermarket. And you know why... what was important was to be OUT! However my group are currently like meerkats on alert for the M&S ‘dine in for £10’ offer (okay I concede it is a great deal esp. as it includes said £6 bottle of vino) BUT... really... is heating up a ready meal any substitute for restaurant ambiance? Apparently so... everyone is doing it... especially as ‘slimming’ ready meals mean you can double purge by saving money and calories all in one go!

It’s just all so ruddy depressing (yet so predictably English) that just as we were beginning to get really good at this hedonism malarkey... we’ve snatched defeat from the jaws of glory. We’ve been eaten up by guilt (and poverty) and are purging the good times out of our systems.

Which is why it has come to pass that my entire inner circle are on diets, giving up drinking, going to the gym and staying indoors to warm up “not just fud -it's mharks and spehenser fud”.

Small grain of comfort is I know they can’t keep it up for ever – and none of them said they would. The thing about January is that it’s five long weeks and that is about as much of forever as they could commit to. After all it’s only day 10 but I’ve already seen cracks appearing ( No, I shall not mention who today was seen sniffing a bottle of Vodka). As worthy as it may be to purge... it’s no fun what so ever and who wants to live without even a little of what you fancy?

Those ancient Egyptians laid out the rules 4500 years ago... Follow your desire as long as you shall live. Good news is my mates all desired to be good for January only to which I have just four words:

Oh HURRY UP February!

The JaxWorld Blog can be followed on Twitter- @JaxWorldBlog

If you enjoyed this blog and you want to contact Jax or find out more about the JaxWorld blog, pls log onto:http://thejaxworldblog.vpweb.co.uk/

Thanks for continuing to vote for JaxWorld as the Best Blog about Stuff and for ALL your support that has made this blog such a huge success.

Sunday, 1 January 2012

BLOG 189: Four Horses

"These ruddy four horses have been on standby longer than cheapskates looking for the 99p Ryanair seats... we may have to face it... they ain't coming!" Jax - Jaxworld Blog

Last night, a friend and I were having the most bizzare conversation in which he was actually NOT looking forward to the Bongs at midnight as he was most concerned that "This was the year that the world would end".

When I stopped laughing and wiped away the tears of mirth, I realised that the buffoon was actually serious. Thus... as I always do should something this daft come up in conversation, I pointed out the folly of sooth-saying... that is that he who involves himself with predictions of the future instead of living in the present and observing the lessons of the past is a complete and utter idiot and therefore MUST buy all future rounds.

I am now into the afternoon of the following day and (tapdancing elephants in my head aside)... I decided to put together a little guide to "The Year The World Will End". Because... as someone who does not focus on future, I find that observing the past always helps ensure that making a total eejit of yourself in the present is less of a regular activity.

So... readers of Jaxworld. For my first blog of 2012... I give you... a selection of dates the four horses of the apocalypse were due to turn up:

The end of the world dates

Who said so ....and why


Assyrians. They found a stone with end of the world written on it. (Words on a stone? Really?...no wonder their empire went kaput!)

634 BC

Romans. 12 eagles had a chat with Romulus. (Put down the pipe Romulus that was not a vision... you were STONED)

66-70 AD

Jewish sect called the Essenes. Reckoned if they could beat the Romans then the world would end (Not the best home support the Jewish revolt were getting) The Essenes aren’t much heard of these days as a consequence.

365 AD

The French. Well to be more precise Hilary of Poitiers... after it didn’t happen the word ‘Potty’ entered the language as an description of people who make wild claims.

500 AD

Just about every educated person. They all predicated this to be the date of the second coming and the end of life as we know it.

Jan 1st 1000

Pope Sylvester II. He was absolutely sure on this one. Tad embarrassed to still be about 3 years later so he popped his own clogs.


Pope Innocent III. He liked this number as it was 666 yrs after Islam started. He was wrong but as he knew he would not live to see the date didn’t really care.

1346-51 (every day really)

Most of Europe. To be fair the Plague was sweeping across the continent at the time.. so it probably felt like it.

Feb 1st 1524

European Astrologers .Pretty much all reckoned a flood would start the prior June and the world would drown by Feb 1st. Then nothing happened they kept moving the date till on 27 May 1528 they admitted... it hadn’t happened yet... and probably wouldn't.


Martin Luther. The German preacher was pretty sure that it would happen that year. (it was becoming a fashion to pick a date after your own life span... he died in 1547 just so no one could say he was wrong)


John Napier. This famed mathematician worked it out scientifically to be 1688. As these dates were after his lifetime he also reckoned 1700 would be the date if 1688 didn't work out. People began to see he was just guessing!


The Shakers. Of course when this didn’t happen they went back to designing awesome New England furniture, which proved a more lasting legacy.


The prophet hen of Leeds. This is why southerners will laugh at northerners till the end of time. A hen laid eggs with dates on it. “end of the world” they cried all over the north. Until someone ran an egg under the tap and found the date to be ink.

March 21 or October 22 1844

William Miller was sure about the 1st date. It didn’t happen so he got everyone whooped up for the send date. Which went down in history as The Great Disappointment which is more famous than he is.


Seventh Day Adventists. Now this religion were pretty certain. Then it didn’t happen, but they are still going strong believing it did to this very day.


The Mormons. Following in the wake of the Seventh Day Adventists, the Mormon leader Joseph Smith was adamant it would happen 1890-1891. His followers are still going strong and gave us he Osmond’s to prove it.


Camille Flammarion... got the bit about Halley’s comet right but stuffed up on the all life on earth ceasing part... happily.


Baptists. Ah... the normally level headed if a bit happy clappy part of the Christian faith figured this would be a good a date as any for the second coming. After that they left predictions to the more nutty divisions and consentrated on keeping Britanny Spears in line.

Feb 13 1925

Seventh Day Adventists. After a bad valentines day for Margaret Rowen in 1924, she reckoned the world would end before the next one. (A woman scorned me thinks?)


Jehovah Witnesses had this down as The Big One. They wandered about in sandwich boards handing out leaflets and knocking on peoples doors to warn them. No change there then.

21 December 1954

Brotherhood of the 7 rays. They brought back the flood theory to global acclaim. When it didn’t happen they spent the next 2 years putting together a book called “When Prophecy Fails” and gained a best seller.

Feb 4 1962

Science based psychics. Planetary alignments convinced most psychics that this would be the day.

October 1962

Cuban Missile Crisis. The entire world watched in horror as President Kennedy sat with his finger over ‘The Button’ saying he would press it if the missiles were not removed. Russia dare him to do it as hey were not gonna be blackmailed with Armageddon. Millions went to bed drunk having blown their life savings only to wake up to discover the Russians had backed down after all.

March 10 1982

Global Astronomers. The Jupiter effect was agreed by scientists to cause combined gravitational pressure and end crush our little planet. Red face day for scientists when Jupiter did not cause any such mayhem.


Global English speaking community. Spurred on by the George Orwell book of the same name, it was widely believed that this would be the big one. Jehovah’s Witnesses added to the panic by claiming Oct 2nd was definitely it. (it wasn’t!)

April 23 1990

Americans. Mass stockpiling of supplies and weapons broke out after a prophet had predicted nuclear war would start on that day. Later, examinations of the prophecy proved to be the work of a sufferer of Alzheimer’s disease.


Nostradamus. This was the big one. Most people actually believed that a French bloke (Michel de Nostredame) knew what he was talking about. He didn’t.


Just about everybody. In 1294 a theologian called Peter Olivi wrote that the last judgment would happen then, loads of other religious people agreed over the years. BUT it all got taken rather seriously when scientist Sir Issac Newton (of gravity fame) said yep... looks pretty sound to me... planetary line up looks like everything is going into the sun that year.( well everything did end up in the sun that year (the newspaper of the same name) – so not bad Sir Issac not bad)

Oct 21 2011

Stargazers predicted that Comet Elenin travelling almost directly between Earth and the Sun would cause disturbances to the Earth's crust, causing massive earthquakes and tidal waves and the Earth would implode as a consequence. Okay a few things did happen but the end of the world... not so much.


Pope Gregory. I doubt if he meant to cause such panic when he re-hauled the calendar back in 1582 , but he ran out of paper at Dec 2012. Ever since... people have believed that Jan 1st 2013 is NOT gonna happen.

Jan 1st 2013

Well............ are we still here? LOL

So there we have it. The Jaxworl Blog ansa to the 2012 end of the world theory.

We have 364.5 days left to prove just how wrong I am!

I have a feeling that I will be seeing you on the other side. ;)

The JaxWorld Blog can be followed on Twitter- @JaxWorldBlog

If you enjoyed this blog and you want to contact Jax or find out more about the JaxWorld blog, pls log onto:http://thejaxworldblog.vpweb.co.uk/

Thanks for continuing to vote for JaxWorld as the Best Blog about Stuff and for ALL your support that has made this blog such a huge success.