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Sauff Lundin Overspill, Kent, United Kingdom
I've been told it's like I keep my thoughts in a champagne bottle, then shake it up and POP THAT CORK! I agree...life is for living and havin fun - far too short to bottle up stuff. So POP!...You may think it... I will say it! (And that cork's been popped a few times... check out the blog archive as the base of the page for many more rants and observations!)

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Sunday, 25 September 2011

BLOG 177: Stereotypes!

“It was an ongoing struggle to say no, I don't want to be a part of the perpetuation of this stereotype.“ John Amos

I once read two different newspapers describing events in a troubled land a long way from blighty. Newspaper one described a situation where the liberties of the populace were being defended by a small but heroic band of freedom fighters who would derail the unelected governments plans at every turn. Newspaper two told us of terrorists who were creating mayhem for the populace and making it nigh on impossible for those in charge to run the country properly.

Both newspapers were describing the same situation, but the story they chose to tell was based on the prejudices they brought with them.

One mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist.

What source of information do you use to get an idea of how the world sees you? I never trust internal people who can self evaluate. I mean how is that possible? We are all the hero of our own story so I doubt if we can objectively look at ourselves and say... Yes THAT is how I come across.

I have to admit that I find the descriptions of me through from my preschool reports to my last employer reference most helpful. These are written by people who have had lengthy exposure to me in a variety of circumstance and I find their view worth taking on board to get an idea of how the world outside my skin sees me.

I am most commonly described as bubbly, non-conformist, intelligent, individual, trustworthy and someone who will always make it happen even if the route to get there is a little unorthodox. This is who the world sees me as... I thought.

To be fair though all these profiles and references have been written people who have had long exposure to working class people from diverse backgrounds.

They would be aware of common parlance (“Do that again and I’m afraid I may have to kill you” being a South London favourite which is not actually a promise of imminent death or physical harm but an affectionate request to stop the current course of action). They would be aware of the diversity of body language among ethnic groups (Those with origins south of the equator being more expressive with facial expressions and hand gestures than those originating north). They would be aware of the slow buy-in of working class people when it comes to enthusing about new projects (“The proof is in the pudding” school of thought versus the “Jolly hockey stick” approach).

I have to be honest, it had often occurred to me that my profiles to date may have been easily achieved because of that understanding. It did occur to me that it must be pretty easy to get a pleasant profile from people who were not rigid, repressed, or authoritarian.

So when the opportunity came to be profiled from a difference source, I actually quite welcomed the opportunity to see what people with little experience outside their own elite bubble would think of someone like me.

I was really looking forward to seeing what impression I make to people who do not share my social class origins or my ethnicity.

Be careful of things you welcome, they may not be quite as helpful as you thought.

I was slightly unprepared to be cast in the role of terrorist rather than freedom fighter. The first impression I give... is that I am a poor excuse for a human being.

Apparently according to this profile: I am aggressive, surly and given to making inappropriate and deeply personal comments. Above all this profile found me to be a poor communicator who blames others for their own shortcomings and has the voice tone and body language of an antagonist. Basically I came out of the profile as abnormally inferior as a specimen of humanity.

It was not the most complimentary profile I have ever received, to be rather honest it came rather like a slap in the face with a large wet and rather unfresh cod!

But then when you think about it – where is the surprise? If you are profiled by people who designate their own group as the standard, of course anything that isn’t a member of the same group would be considered inferior or abnormal.

This process exists to provide one with a sense of worth... it is called stereotyping.

Now stereotypes are not always a bad thing. They exist for a reason. Stereotypes allow individuals to make better informed evaluations of individuals about whom they possess little or no individuating information, and believe it or not national and gender stereotypes are surprisingly accurate. This is the stuff that you find in art and literature all the time... the chancer Irishman, the rhythmic Negro, the passionate Spaniard, the ambitious American, the wild gypsy girl. It is a short cut to getting audience by-in.

However where it all goes horribly wrong is when we use those short cuts to divine intelligence, behaviour, personality, and motivation. We then become guilty of preventing some people of stereotyped groups from entering or succeeding in all kinds of activities or fields.

I recall only too well the opening of the City to working class traders and how threatened the upper class and middle class traders were by the arrival on the floor of the London stock exchange of “The Barrow Boys”. I recall a titled young man exclaiming that by allowing those who did not have the ‘right ‘accent or deportment into the trading floors would result in the end of the institution as persons so loud and crass were bound to miss out the finer small details that make The City run so seamlessly. “They think it’s all about red braces and Porsches and are unable to embrace an institution of gentlemen that has existed since 1595”.

Yes the new boys were from a different background and so expressed themselves in a completely different way from their upper and middle class colleagues but were they the four horsemen of the apocalypse? No. The City traded on... the London Stock Exchange remains the largest in Europe and the 4th largest in the world at the time going to press.

Shaking things up a little with different types of people is not a bad thing. As for the cultural change to the London Stock Exchange, the benefits went wider than the trading floor. The arrival of diversity in the city meant the bars and clubs in the city (which were dry boring chesterfield armchair newspaper reading affairs) became much more fun as a result!

But going back to my profiling – once the sting of the wet cod stopped... was I upset?

Actually NO.

It was jolly interesting to read (well 1031 words listing your shortcomings and failings always will be!). There were some valid lessons to be learned from the exercise... but above all what I learned was that profiling someone in this way will always say more about the person who wrote it than it did about the person who received it.

And for that I am eternally grateful.

Vive la difference!

The JaxWorld Blog can be followed on Twitter-http://twitter.com/#!/JaxWorldBlog

If you enjoyed this blog and you want to contact Jax or find out more about the JaxWorld blog, pls log onto :http://thejaxworldblog.vpweb.co.uk/

Thanks for continuing to vote for JaxWorld as the Best Blog about Stuff and for ALL your support that has made this blog such a huge success.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

BLOG 176: Big Fat Hairy LIE!!!

“Sometimes to protect those we care about, what we have to do, what at any rate it is our duty to do, is to revive the old art of the lie” Oscar Wilde

I don’t hold with lying. I always say the truth is the one version of the story that never changes. I’m too lazy to remember a lie and all the intricate web that spins around it. So I usually bluntly tell the truth and let the Devil do his worse with it... at least I said what is real. I have occupied a lot of higher grounds based on that little theory.

However there are times when one simply must not tell people everything they ask to hear. A divorcee who does not wish to be perceived as callous will never tell the truth of the demise of her marriage to a child who came from it regardless of the persistence of the questions. A person who does not wish to be perceived as a show off will not tell of his good fortune just because someone asks.

Of course the sensible way to control how much truth one puts in the public arena is to simply make no comment on the subject. This works very well for celebs who find themselves hounded by the media. There are two words no journalist no mater how salacious can make a profit from “NO COMMENT”. And as wonderful as this theory is... it is ruddy useless for us ordinary folk who find ourselves in a wine bar being asked a question that we genuinely do not wish to answer.“No comment”... just doesn’t cut it there.

And I should know! You see yesterday I told a big fat hairy lie. I know... I know... lying is no big shakes for a lot of people as they lie all the time to each other and to themselves and find getting up in the morning and looking in the mirror no big deal. But for me... lying does not sit well with me and eats away at my very being. I woke up with a start as my conscience pricked away till slumber was no longer an option and it replayed the scene in my head as if looking for some opening that I missed where I could have just shut up and never said a word.

I wish to make it clear that it wasn’t an evil lie. No one will die as a consequence of the yarn I spun... but it was totally unnecessary and to be honest I should have just smiled enigmatically and said nowt. In my defense I was ½ a bottle of wine in... and I do believe there may have been a couple of cocktails... around the time it occurred to me that lying my way out of a situation was going to be the best possible solution.

The situation was stupid. I wished to illustrate a discussion point so I found a photo on my phone and showed the gals I was talking to. Now this really didn’t help at all, as the next question was how did I come by the photo... and it was at this point where I just did not wish to share the details with the assembled company. It may sound silly but perception is a difficult thing to manage. I like to think I have a jax-of the-people/down to earth image. But the fact is I have been fortunate to attend some high fluting does in far flung places. However, unless you wish to give your life history as to why and how you were there... it is never going to be a short story... and the moment you segue into that story... you are a show off and worse.. a bore. I didn’t wish to explain... but they were waiting to hear... so I made up a more accessible story. I made it sound as if the image on my phone occured by chance and it happened on my doorstep and the photo was a result of other people instigating some high jinks but above all - I had nothing to do with it.

Of course the accessible story was such a transparent lie (two clicks on Google and you’ll know it was not the truth)... but I just didn’t want to discuss my life with people who are not really part of it. I knew if I told the truth I would sound like I was showing off... and I really did NOT want to be that person. Like I said an enigmatic smile would have got me through the moment much better and at least I would not have woke up this morning with a desire to hack off my tongue.

I hate lying!

But on the other hand who wants to be an open book with absolutely no boundaries. Obviously there are some. I look at people who live in the constant glare of publicity. How on earth do they handle having every aspect of their lives being open to public debate? I listen to people talking of this celeb and that celeb as if they are people they know. They pontificate on the choices said celb makes and discuss the inner workings of the persons mind as if they were their personal shrink! I ‘m no celeb, but I would hate my life to be so open that everyplace I’ve been, everything I do or everything I am becomes the subject of the analysis of others. But what’s the alternative? How do you hold onto your boundaries?

I have not the foggiest!... well, I certainly didn’t last night. I had enough sense not to tell the whole story behind the photograph, because with that particular audience I know it would sound like I am the world’s biggest brag-meister. But jeepers! What a load of total bollix I came out with instead! It appears that one (or at least THIS one) cannot possibly be enigmatic whilst under the affluence of inkerhol. I was asked a direct question and instead of buttoning it or maybe saying ‘wouldn’t you like to know?’... I turned into Ernest Hemmingway! I feel ridiculous this morning! I have no idea why I did it other than at the time I panicked, I just didn’t want to reveal the real story and with the alcohol befuddling my senses decided I needed to fill the pregnant pause with lots of words which in that very moment sounded entirely plausible. (an exclusive revealation that happened only in my head!) Oh you should have seen me spinning my yarn... it was DREADFUL... I sounded like those fishermen who swear on all that is holy that the fish that got away was THIS big... or the child who insists that the damage was only THIS small!

I’m trying to be kind to myself this morning by blaming my panic story upon the alcohol... but I doubt anyone else will be. Like I said my lies were so preposterous that it will not take very long for the enviable exposure to follow. How ironic that in attempting to save my reputation by telling an out and out lie rather than reveal a detail that would not go down well... I have managed to damage my reputation by proving to be an out and out liar, something that will (in that particular crowd) go down like a lead balloon. All I can hope is that everyone else drank much more than me and that their delicate little heads are pounding so desperately this morning that they are incapable of remembering much detail of the prior night’s activities. Time will reveal at its own pace whether or not I have got away with it!

Oh well... no experience in life is wasted. I really don’t think I am qualified enough to be an even half competent liar. At least I now have it straight in my head why it is Jax is not ever going to get by on fabrications of reality:

1. I am crap at it
2. My conscience will haul me out of bed and make me feel physically sick
3. I cannot even construct a believable story so will be found out
4. If I were Pinocchio you would furnish a housing estate with the wood from my nose.
5. I really need to take a course in enigma... there must be a way of managing to keep private things private without such pathetic swerves into subterfuge.

If I had forgotten why it is I don’t tell lies... last night was a timely reminder.

The JaxWorld Blog can be followed on Twitter-http://twitter.com/#!/JaxWorldBlog
If you enjoyed this blog and you want to contact Jax or find out more about the JaxWorld blog, pls log onto :http://thejaxworldblog.vpweb.co.uk/
Thanks for continuing to vote for JaxWorld as the Best Blog about Stuff and for ALL your support that has made this blog such a huge success.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

BLOG 175: Only Human

"I'm only human, of flesh and blood I'm made"
from HUMAN, by The Human League.© Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Sometimes it’s all about what YOU are all about. I’m often fascinated when people recoil from criticism and feel that others do not have the right to comment on what they see as contradictions in your value base. Sometimes I really do wonder if that means that the person was inconsistent... or if it’s just us filling in the blanks with what we think that person was all about?

To be fair, no one has the time or forum (writers aside I suppose) to paint in all the details of who they are. When you are chatting to people to be honest you are lucky if you give not much more of a thumbnail sketch of what you are all about. It’s pretty dangerous really when you think about it, as each of us do have the tendency to pigeon hole people based on this information. Ask yourself ...how often do find yourself surprised when a friend you thought you knew well suddenly presents another colour to their personality that you didn’t expect. How often do you think “Gah! They are all about this... then they go and do THAT!”

I have a friend in America (actually more than a friend I love the bones of this woman she is sooooo awesome – she’s like my sister over the sea!). She often quotes an author and speaker who is very famous over there. This particular author/speaker has her roots in the Christian belief structure and is rather good for soundbites on how to live your life. An example of such soundbites would be “Avoid self-pity, because you can be pitiful or powerful, but you can't be both!”. I have to say I do look forward to my sister over the sea’s quotations, I do find them rather invigorating and they do rather shake me out my funks and motivate me for the day.

In my mind, from what I knew of the author of these quotes (excuse my ignorance my American readers... on this side of the pond we know little of this facet of your culture) I knew her to be some kind of charismatic pastor who had some sort of television ministry (I caught a bit of her show when I was in Chicago). And I knew she had written a slew of self help books - 21 Ways to Conquer Anxiety, Fear, and Discontentment being one of the more famous ones to the European market. However, living in Europe as I do, the author was really not someone I paid much attention to as over here we have our own culture to be busy with (and I really do not do self help books as I find them rather weird!). Yet I do rather like it when my sister over the sea does slip in a quote or two from this author as they are rather peppy.

I’m a curious soul though. This morning it occurred to me to look up the author these quotes. The interweb is a mine of information when you are that way inclined! Imagine my surprise when I found that the person responsible for all these ‘how to live your life better’ quotes had actually come in for a lot of criticism about her own lifestyle. It appears the author has just upgraded her favoured mode of transport to a Gulf stream IV and whizzes about the USA and beyond on this private jet. As the author is unashamedly Christian, there are those who feel that she should not be so flash and walk barefoot to her meetings.

I can kind of see where her critics are coming from. The tenets of Christianity do rather go hand in hand with a little humility and a lifestyle that incorporates that $10 million corporate jet, a $107,000 Mercedes, a $2 million personal home plus houses worth another $2 million for her four children, a $20 million headquarters that is furnished to the tune of $5.7 million, don’t sit easily with the idea of a dedicated follower of a illegitimate carpenter who espoused the rather socialist principal of sharing everything you have with those worse off than you.

On the other hand, despite the fact said carpenter pointed out that a rich man has less chance of getting to heaven than a camel has of passing through the eye of a needle... there is actually no tenet in the Christian faith that says that you can’t enjoy a bob or two if you have it. Christianity above and beyond all other faiths does rather place its reward structure upon accepting that all of humanity are your brothers and sisters and you should do as much as you can to support that family – emotionally, practically, physically, and yes financially . (The big idea being when they ask why you can tell them about your faith). So, I really can’t see that this particular author/speaker deserves the all criticism she gets ... okay she is a bit flash with her bucks but she does spread the word about her faith to people who very probably would not have heard about it any other way. Still ...will probably be a squeeze getting through that needle though I imagine, but hey ho that’s not up to me to decide.

Anyway, the whole debacle gave me pause for thought.

I wonder how often I give the world an impression I should be one kind of person... and it is surprised that often I’m another?

You see... (using authors priviledge) THIS is who I am:

• I am a rebellious person who accepts authority and is loyal
• I accept the rules and often totally ignores or rejects them
• I am distant, cold and aloof and famed for being really affectionate
• I am aspirational, ambitious, motivated, self satisfied and really lazy
• I am really secretive and guarded and an open book and very candid
• I am very caring and a total callous bitch
• I adore change and love to shake things up and want everything to say the same
• I’m a grumpy cow who is the cheerful unstoppable life and soul of the party
• I have no tact and think those who have are too thick to be sarcastic but am very considerate
• I am really cooperative and I’m the most combative unhelpful person around
• I am fearless and courageous and a first to retreat coward
• I am courteous in the extreme and down right rude and blunt
• I am persistent and sustaining and am a dithering indecisive nelly
• I am devoted and deeply committed and uncaringly hostile
• I will do what ever is necessary and will do what ever is convenient
• I persevere and endure to get to a goal and give up on the first or second hurdle
• I am happy clappy with enthusiasm and am apathetic and indifferent
• I am flexible and rigid and unbending
• I am forgiving and spiteful
• I am scattered, unfocused and can zoom in unshakably on target and score
• I am authoritarian and freedom loving
• I am a spendthrift who is thrifty and frugal
• I am arrogant, conceited and humble, modest and self effacing
• I am immature and ridiculous and adult with gravitas
• I am open-minded and intolerant
• I am very positive and really negative
• I am unrestrained and totally self disciplined
• I am trusting and suspicious
• I am self reliant, supportive and self centred and dependant
• I am ostentatious and unpretentious
• I am dishonest and totally sincere

I am all of this and more. I’m not just one thing all the time. I’m the situation. I’m the person. I’m the location. I’m the environment. I am a hotbed of contradiction.

We all are. On top of that we take our personal histories where ever we go... and that totally informs our reactions. I look at the history of the author of my sister across the sea’s quotations. Her childhood was unstable and she was pretty poor. (America does poor better than most places on earth – could it be because it is wears its poverty cheek by jowl to its excess I wonder?) Anyway at one time the author had to steal just to get by. I have no doubt that these days she may well deeply believe the message of the carpenter she spreads... but given that background... I find it rather unsurprising that she needs to outwardly display wealth... she takes her personal history with her.

We all do.

I was quite amazed at how many sites there were on the interweb calling this particular person a fraud simply over the incongruity between the woman’s flash harry lifestyle and her faith.

I do believe in her faith there is an important tenet, which came about when the carpenter came across a married woman who had been caught having a bit of afternoon delight with a bloke that certainly was NOT her husband. The locals had chased the woman through the town and had cornered her... they had gathered a nice selection of rocks and were just about to pelt her to death with them. As I said, along comes the carpenter. Well, the whole town knew he was a good and fair man and they asked him if what they were about to do was fair by him, after all she had broken her marriage vows... open and shut case! With the wisdom that demonstrates why after 2011 years the world still pays attention to what this man told people, he simply said “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone.”

Funny enough, it turned out that there was no one of that description in the big angry mob that were passing judgement on that woman.

We all sit in judgement of each other every day. Sometimes we are a little fast to declare someone fake without bothering with the back-story or looking at the situation. Not being who we appear to be is the risk we all run as most of us only give a thumbnail sketch of who we are to the world. So... the next time you are cast in the role of judge... remember that inconsistency is not always fraudulent.

We’re not frauds when we appear inconsistent with how those in judgement see us
... we are human.

The JaxWorld Blog can be followed on Twitter-http://twitter.com/#!/JaxWorldBlog

If you enjoyed this blog and you want to contact Jax or find out more about the JaxWorld blog, pls log onto :http://thejaxworldblog.vpweb.co.uk/

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